When we got back in the motorhome Kat took out our road atlas and the three ring binder that I set up over the spring. I had gotten trip planning software and made a trip tik which included a map, directions and our camp ground reservations for each day. This was a well thought out plan!
Almost every stop I had been able to get a site with electric, water, sewer and cable hook ups. Livin' large! We were set both ways. I had planned a leisurely drive both ways with sight seeing stops along the way. This was our long shake down cruise - our first big trip I wanted to be prepared.
Our first stop was in central Ohio, arriving in the earling afternoon. We had a nice dinner and relaxed.
Still excited, the next morning I broke camp at 5:00a.m. without waking Kat. We were headed to Iowa next. I pulled out quietly, figuring I'd drive a couple of hours and then stop for breakfast. Which is exactly what I did. Just after crossing in to Indiana, I saw a billboard advertising a Cracker Barrel. I stopped there and woke Kathy up. One of the nice things about this chain is they have large RV parking spots. No one was parked in the RV reserve.
Other than one other customer, we were it.
Kat asked what time it was I said 7 and our waitress said, 6.
The waitress informed us that the time changed when I entered Indiana. We'd lost an hour or gained one, whatever!,
All my planning and I hadn't figured in time changes. Good news - extra time going out - less time going home. All Kat heard was it really wasn't necessary for me to leave so early.
It turned out for the best. I spent many beautiful mornings drinking a cup of coffee and smoking a nice cigar watching the day come to life in places like South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and California. One of my favorite early mornings was on our second trip when my daughter-in-law and I went into Sequoia National Park just after sunrise and watched a young deer feed.
1 comment:
Reminds me of the time we went duck hunting and forgot about daylignt savings time.We both got up at 3 A.M. It should have been 4. Freezing our asses off, in the dark, for an extra hour. We did warm up a bit at daylight, until I ran into the water without my boots.
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