We were talking '50's and early '60's and came up with this list of toys and stuff you had to have.
- hula hoop
- slinky
- frisbee
- silly putty
- coon skin cap
- cap gun
- tang
- Dr.Seus book
- comic books
- baseball cards + gum (also for bike spokes)
- 3-D movies + glasses
- transitor radio
- rockets
- sling shot
- Red Ryder BB gun
- 3-speed bike
- bike handle bar streamers
- Revel car models
- 45 rpm records/331/3 rpm Hi Fi albums
- pocket knife
- roller skates
- baseball bat, glove, ball, hat
- basketball, football
- sled or saucer
- ice skates
- Stolen Playboy magazines
- black Chuck Taylor's
- Tonka heavy equipment
- plastic WWII soldiers and tanks etc.
- plastic cowboys and Indians
- chemistry set
- Black buckle rain and snow boots
- bright yellow buckle rain gear
- green rubber "hunting boots"
- earflap winter hat
- Mr. Potato Head
- Cooties game
- Sorry game
- hobby horse (the one on springs)
- fishing gear
- a cool lunch box
- a girl to have a crush on ( my first Janine, in kindergarten)
I'm sure there are many more but that's what I got!
Wax buck teeth; candy cigarettes,nik-l-lip, Bosco; Nestles Quick; flavor straws; fizzies; captain video mood ring; Elvis Presley buble gum cards; Bazooka Gum tatoos; wax red lips; pegged pants; baby duck cordovan shoes;Beatle jacket; fairy l0op on back of a shirt; suicide knob for bike handlebar; bike siren; rubber band pistol; vitalis; brylcream; black PF Flyers; stickball bat;
bike saddlebags and this list will be continued Sunday!
Also....varsity letter sweater; rocket shaped squirt gun; sen-sen mints; crystal radio kit; fire hydrant wrench; slingshot & cats eye marbles; kazoo; Davy Crocket pajamas, matching sheets and pillow case; vial of fake blood; whirly bird helicopter; kite attached to fishing pole; Frankenstein mask; clearsil for zits; Richie Ashburn baseball card; your own lyrics to "Louie Louie"; handshake buzzer; extra skate key; Zorro mask, cape and curtain rod (to be used as a sword); transfers for the Carmen-Hamburg bus and last but not least.....a tree fort!
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