I'm sure there are many more but that's what I got!
I heard on the news that 5 young women were killed in a car accident near Rochester because the driver was text messaging while driving. Is that freak'n crazy or what? When I was a kid the radio was an option. Not the fanciness of the radio, the radio itself. Many families had cars with no radios.
Today cars have hands free cell phones, On-Star, radios, satellite radios, cd players, dvd players, playstations; some large vehicles have multiple items, and GPS systems. Now your cell phone can play music, videos, games, take picture and videos, text message, store info and take notes - oh yea, it's a phone too!
The distractions to driving are numerous before even adding a phone. Plus the cars are faster and more powerful today.
My wife and I worry about our kids but neither can keep a cell phone very long. Our daughter may have a record - she lost three in a two week stretch and our son destroyed his latest in three days. You ready for this - it died in a tub of yogurt! I believe it was organic. You think it may have been the bacteria?
" I reck'n I did em all. That's right varmint. I was a good boy.....Hell, it don't say noth'n 'bout no whiskey, women chas'n, smok'n, cuss'n, drink'n, raslin, tobacky chew'n, danc'n or loud sing'n! Does it? You flea bitten galoot! So there, this town aint big 'nough for the both of us, draw partner, slap leather, cut'em off at the pass, "You, Johnny, stay with the horses", you back shoot'n weasel, stay away from the School Marm, but that's injun territory, thank ya Mam, beer for my men & whiskey for my horses, don't care who it is - the gun stays at the town line.........."
Had enough? Oh really!
" It's the calvary, he's a gun for the double bar t ranch, stagecoach's a come'n, they dun robbed the bank, get the women in the back, not in my town, hurt real bad, them's injun tracks, where'd you get that saddle, reach for the sky, hired hand, tie um up boys, string'm up boys, shoot'm boys, hold'm for me boys, keep those hands up, throw down the strong box, give me the money, get a posse and follow'm, we're gonna have us a hang'n, he's plum loco, Pa get your gun............"
Have you noticed that all the reality shows are hosted and judged by Brits? How did this happen? Idol, So you think you can dance, Dancing with the stars - damn - now that I think about it there's Canadians on too! Paul Schaefer, Alex Trebeck - but they're really Brits - sissy boys!
I'd like to see Simon Cowell, Nigel Lithgow and Len Goodman get dropped off somewhere in a large American inner city area, like Detroit, NYC or even Albany . Imagine them getting dissed by a group of little brothers and sisters and them trying to just defend themselves verbally. "I say young man, you're a bit cheeky." or "Young lady lower your voice it's pitchy." or Simon telling them,"I didn't understand a word you just said. It was just awful!"
You want a good laugh? Check out BBC On Demand. The shows suck. I get their humor, it's like their teeth - bad. Monty Python was a classic but name a couple more really good Brit shows.
"Eh da unna stun mooch a wa shi sez," but I do like Cat Deeley! She's really the only good thing to come out of this latest Brit invasion.