"Ovature, curtain, lights!
This is it!
We'll hit the heights and oh what heights we'll hit!
On with the show this is it"
{Insert cane twirl here}
June 2nd was the annual ALS WALK in Albany and we raised about $3000. My God Daughter raised $1600 and my wife and others from HFF raised another $1400.
June 9th is the HOME FUNDING FINDERS BAR - B - QUE. They have raffled gift baskets, sold raffle tickets, barb-b-que tickets and will be auctioning 4 Yankee tickets. One crazy s.o.b. purchased 100 raffle tickets at $10 each! So hopefully we can get another $4 -$5000. It should be a fun event.
Everything for the HFF fund raiser was donated. People solicited items for the raffle prizes and even the Yankee tickets were donated. The gift baskets were made up by individuals who gave their time and purchased whatever went into the basket. One gracious lady offered her home for the picnic site.
Alot of time, energy and work went in to plan and facilitate this day. Volunteer fundraising at it's purest form - friends helping each other.
Having ALS, I don't get out much, so I haven't met alot of the people working on the picnic plans. Those I do know I watch and can see the joy it gives them to participate and give. I've said it before and will again, I'm sure, people can be wonderful, even when they don't know those they are helping.
I think it's fabulous what this group of people has done for the Regional ALS Center. They will improve the quality of life for ALS patients in our area. I want to thank each one and let them know that it is deeply appreciated.
1 comment:
Crazy sob is better than some of the names you called me. I'm honored!
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