Thursday, May 31, 2007
"You Just Can't Make It Up"

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Fun Series #8- " and it's only about 1:30p.m."

{continuation of Fun Series #5,#6 and #8}
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Fun Series #7 - "College Inn"

{see Fun Series #6- this is a continuation}
It didn't take Nick and me long to realize my brother was too drunk to drive but there was little we could do about it. How we made it all the way to Saratoga Lake with out incident is amazing.
The College Inn was a large bar right on the lake. It was packed all summer long - at night. It was almost empty when we arrived. The bartender was busy getting ready for that night's action and barely looked at us when we ordered. Nick and I ordered draft beer and my brother decided to switch to scotch. This was not a good thing.
We had only been there about an hour when my brother got into it with the bartender. When you ordered scotch and water, rocks they used to give you some scotch over ice and a small pitcher of water to add yourself. My brother had gotten sick right on the bar and was in the process of pouring the pitcher of water over it to wash off the bar just as the bartender looked up.
He grabbed my brother's hand to stop him. He noticed that Kurt's hand was deformed. He had been burned badly and had many skin grafts and had lost a finger. He said the worst possible thing," Get the hell out of here you drunk'n cripple."
I grabbed my brother as he went over the bar. Nick helped me get him out near the car. Kurt was shaking his fist at the bartender yelling, " Who you calling cripple!. Come on out an try it out...."
Kurt got behind the wheel, Nick rode shotgun and I was in the jump seat. Kurt was talking to himself and was really wasted. We were trying to get him to pull over and let one of us drive and that's when we rear ended the boat............
To Be Continued.....................
Sunday, May 27, 2007
100 years of The Duke

Saturday, May 26, 2007
Fun Series #6 - " Winey Bubbles "

Friday, May 25, 2007
With a Little Help From Your Friends...and Strangers?

So many of my friends and family have supported me in so many ways.
My brother in law, Uncle Fred, has assumed all of my "guy" responsibilities. He's had to fix a flat on my wheelchair, pick up and move things, rebuilt my shower chair, baby sat me on our cruise and is "oncall" 24/7 for emergencies. He does remind us that He only works from 3 - 330 and he gets a 1/2 hour lunch.
My sister in law, Carol, is my medical sounding board, as well as cruise director. She also, along with Kathy's friend Jayne, gets my wife out of the house.
Our friend's Char and Nick keep my spirits high. Char flirts with me on the phone. At least that's the cover story! And Nick just keeps me laughing like he's done for over 46 years.{See Fun Series Blogs grumpyglenn@blogspot.com}.
The 4th floor boys keep me company and just baby sat me so my wife could attend our daughter's graduation. They really just fed me Sambucca.
My God Daughter has sponsored an ALS
Of course my wife and children have been fabulous!
The surprise has been the strangers - now friends - but when they entered my life they were strangers.
The ALS Regional Center through St. Peter's Hospital was my first "stranger" contact. From day one they have been a Godsend. They have monitored, improved and maintained my quality of life. Strangers, no more.
They have a thankless job. Working with a debilitating terminal disease daily. I've found that the best way to thank them is to get the word out there.
I did a segment on Channel 9 which led to a piece on http://realhealth.tv./ and my wife and I participated in a one hour WMHT special on ALS. This year we're doing the Daly - Micheal's ALS Memorial Golf Tournament for the second time. I wish there was more to do!
In January my pulmonary numbers fell enough that Dr. Cooper recommended that I hook up with Hospice. Again strangers - again - no more.
My Hospice people are great! I have an aide, Kim, that comes every day. Poor woman has seen my old boney butt more than any one human being should have to. I can still do my bathroom duties on my own but I have trouble getting the drawers up! Send donation directly to her at....
Seriously, from the first time I had to ask for help it was just like the picture above - you extend your hand and there is a wealth of people to grab hold a take you on the ride.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Lady

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Fun Series #5 - "So, There!"

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
"Mini Shu Tanka Awayalo"

Saturday, May 19, 2007
When I Still Had an Ass

Friday, May 18, 2007
Samson Diesel Bulldozer

When I called about the new puppy, I told the breeder that I wanted a big male that looked calm. You see it coming already, don't you!
When we arrived, the breeder came out with a huge black lab puppy that looked half asleep.
6 or 7 more come walking out of the garage followed by a yellow blur. The blur hit my daughter mid -chest and started licking her face. I kept trying to get her to at least make eye contact with the black lump in my arms but no joy.
As I paid for him I kept looking over the breeder's shoulder watching my daughter chase this yellow blur running in circles and bouncing like he was on a pogo stick. Yellow one it was!
The ride home was all about trying to come up with a name for the puppy. My wife wanted Samson, Sam for short. His father's name was Bulldozer so my son wanted that. I came up with Diesel - like a diesel locomotive at the front of a 150 car train. The pup rode most of the way home inside my daughter's coat.
We compromised and used all the names. He eventually became Dozer or The Doze.
He was crate trained and became house broken quickly. It seemed like Dozer went from hiding under the couch to staring eye to eye with you as you sat on the couch in less than a year. We took his crate away the morning that I had to pry his butt out of it.
The Doze ate or chewed on everything - food, furniture, shoes, car tires; which he also loves to pee on. He popped his 1st soccer ball at eight months and was easily three years old before he stopped that pogo stick thing. He had better hops than most of our high school basketball team.
By the way, he was also the right fielder for the neighborhood wiffle ball homerun derby game.
The kids would hit the ball over the fence into our yard. Dozer would get it, run to the fence and drop it in a hole dug under the fence for the kids to use again.
The boy topped out at about 125 pounds. Every dog has away of telling you that they want to go out. Some bark, some stand at the door and wag their tail, Dozer places his big flat forehead against the door and rocks back and forth thumping the door until you let him out.
He is the master of his fenced in yard. No bird, squirrel , cat or dog better trespass though I've never see him catch anything.
The day we picked him up he came out of a big box that had old blankets thrown in it for the puppies to sleep on. Having noticed this we put a blanket in his crate. As a pup he would pull the blanket out of the crate and drag it into the familyroom to sleep on. He fluffs it up until it's just right and then and only then he'll lay down. Sometimes he'd ball it up and chew on it.
The Doze is now 14 years old, 98 in dog years, our son is 27 with a daughter of his own and our daughter is 22. As I write this , he's sleeping, with his blanket, every once and awhile his leg jerks.
I think he's dreaming about his days in right field.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
"Blatantly Idiotic"

- The super plus size woman wearing the cropped top with a navel ring.
- The young suburban white teen boys with the do-rags and crooked billed hats.
- The guy driving a monster truck stuck in the median of the Northway on a snowy day.
- All mid-50's people that dress like they're 25.
- Any adult who tries to speak street - " shizzle my nizzle ", "No you dinnit!"
- metrosexuals
- Men who not only watch but also discuss soap operas.
- Women who try to be one of the boys at a sporting event - high fives, butt slaps (o.k. we'll allow that)
I think you get the drift. These examples were about "negative ij-juts".
The poster person for all known negative ij-juts is Rosie O'Donnell. By her own admission on her website, she dropped out of college with a 1.62 cumulative average to pursue comedy. Now she has the ear of millions of t.v. viewers - why? She spews crap but people, mostly fellow ij-juts, listen.
Now "positive ij-juts" are just fun loving bozos and goofs, jerks and pranksters. I would consider myself a card carrying "positive ij-jut".
So what's the difference? We are appropriate. We knowingly ij-jut to be funny. We are blatantly idiotic and would take umbrage if not called an ij-jut. Most of us have been life long ij-juts and have honed our skills.
I've always thought that there should be a club with hats and secret handshakes. We could have chapters like the Elks, Moose and Lions. I guess our animal could be the Basset Hound or maybe a chicken. Hey! We could have Fog Horn Leghorn!
Some examples of appropriate behaviors-
- the finger pull fart
- the obligatory tap dance exit
- screaming,"Yea baby, do it to me! Yea Daddy!" over and over when you stay with your wife in a motel. Of course when there is no sex. Best done when a friend or one of her relatives is in the next room. She doesn't even have to be there.
- Chinese fire drills
- Hellen Keller jokes
- dancing like no one is watching, while bobbing your head and biting your upper lip
The poster person for appropriate ij-juts, who else David Letterman.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
"Growing Up Grounded"

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Fun Series #4 - Two Shots, No Gun

Monday, May 14, 2007
The Nichols' Curse

Sunday, May 13, 2007
"You won a Big Ass Ham!"

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Fun Series #3 - "Draw, You Lop Eared Jackass!"

"Jump'in Jesus H. Christ "

"God dam it!" and "Jump'in Jesus H. Christ and all the Saints in heaven!" were my father's way of initiating me into the world of church and cursing. So, let's just say I was introduced to Christ at a young age and have spoken of and to him often.
Friday, May 11, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007
Strawberry Fields

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
" Be a Simple Kind of Man - Dr. John Polnak - Rest in Peace!"

Fun Series #1 - Frank's Wrench

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Monday, May 7, 2007

I received a comment about my experience rabbit hunting back in the day. Nick Marino reminded me of two other "wabbit" episodes.
These took place in Mechanicville before housing developments and the suburban sprawl.
#1 - Backpack Boogie
It was fall because I remember the chill in the air. Fall has the chill, spring has the hint of warmth on the breeze. George had earlier shot a rabbit and placed it in the game bag pouch at the back of his vest. We never field dressed the game until we were leaving.
Nick and I were behind him as we walked to our next spot.
All of a sudden, George spun around with a strange look and handed his gun to Nick. He started to spin and jump. He kind of looked like the comedian Steve Martin singing and dancing to "King Tut". He would yell and then laugh. When he spun with his back to us it looked like his ass was shaking a mile a minute and his hands were trying to stop it. Like a one step macarena.
Nick started laughing first and then I followed. By now George was highstepp'n like a drum major leading a marching band and he was getting hard to keep up with. Between gasping laughs, I heard George say,"The rabbit...".
Looking more closely, I realized that it wasn't George's ass that ".. was a shaking.." it was the rabbit trying to get out of the pouch! The animal had been only stunned.
George got the vest off and the rabbit got out. The critter took off like Steve McQueen in a car chase.
#2 - It's all in the wrist - rated eeouuuwwwwwwwwwwww!
Finishing up one afternoon after a day of hunting, Nick was going to teach me a quick and easy way to field dress a rabbit. Field dress is the polite way to say gut. This is the worst part of a day of hunting. Nothing smells like it and there's no clean way to do it. Not according to Marino, he had a clean way to do it.
He took his rabbit and slit it open and then walked up to a small sapling, about 4" - 5" around, and while holding him by the hide legs, he snapped it against the tree. The offal flew out fairly cleanly. "It's all in the wrist," said Nick.
It was my turn. Cut, split, grasp and flick the wrist and wham I'm wearing the rabbits insides. Blood is running down my face and "stuff" is sliding down the front of me. Eeeoouuwww!
This was the day that I became a bird hunter.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
No Court, No Woo?

Friday, May 4, 2007
Reuben Nichols - Gettysburg July 2, 1863

Some things a family should never forget!
To commemorate these units, in 1893 General Daniel Butterfield dedicated the monument to the men he commanded on July 2, 1863 at what became known as the Battle at Little Round top.
In honor of the units the structure is 44' tall and the base is 12' by 12'. Butterfield, the composer of the bugle call "taps" by the way, designed the monument.
Thursday, May 3, 2007

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
How many times do I have to tell you that it's ALL about ME?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007
The Global Kathy Positioning System